Photo Album

Isata is Thankful for her Bed Net

Your continued support is greatly appreciated in providing long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) to families and individuals in Freetown.  Because of the bed nets they received, students like Isata can now focus on her education and futures and not on malaria.  

Isata expresses her gratitude for her new bed net in this video saying - 

Thank you for this mosquito net.  This mosquito net will protect me from mosquito bites.

Isata is very thankful for this mosquito net, as this mosquito net is a blessing to her, especially in the area of her health 

Thank you!

Your continued support is appreciated as we strive to provide every family in Freetown with protective long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (ITNs). Our recurring donors truly make a lasting impact; if you are not yet a recurring donor we encourage you to start a monthly recurring donation here. Even a few dollars a month will go a long way in providing protective bed nets to every family in Freetown. Please also share this with your contacts and invite them to consider supporting this ongoing project.  


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