December - This month has been a fruitful one for the Center.
The young ladies at the Centre were encouraged to stand in front of the class and tell others their desired career and ...
When given the opportunity to express the impact of the pathways center, majority of...
We are so very thankful to see the computers being set up at Develop Africa's new computer lab at the Creating Pathways...
Recent sessions focused on forgiveness with personal counseling available.
Public Relations Officer in the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology yesterday stated that about 50% to 60% of...
The computers have arrived at the Centre. We are eager to start providing computer...
Nancy, is one of the ladies at the Educational Lifeline Program for Pregnant Girls, in Sierra Leone.
Develop Africa Sierra Leone is in the business of creating impact in the lives of the young pregnant ladies in this...
The school has been going on successfully despite the numerous challenges we are having with attendance due to the rains...
As each week passes by, we celebrate the progress the girls are making in their pregnancy journey.
One of our goals is to meet the psycho-social needs of the pregnant girls.
Harriette has hope and confidence today and is one of the first trainees to attend the new Centre.
Consistent access to computer technology, training and computers is the game changer that will help leap frog...