Heartfelt Gratitude From Beneficiary's Mom

A parent from Kamawornie shares her heartfelt appreciation for the impact of after-school classes on her daughter's education:
"My name is Ibarray, born of Kamawonie, I am the mother of Marie. We thank you all for tutoring our children, the teachers have never requested money. We are very glad for that. Back then, after school all they do is play around, but now after arriving from school, they stay at home to read and write. We are glad and say thank you."
Thanks to generous donors like YOU, these extra classes have significantly impacted the lives of children, like Marie's, in Kamawornie village at no cost to their parents.
Marie is currently finishing her second year in junior secondary school and hopes to become a nurse when she grows up.
Thank you for your support in empowering and educating girls in Sierra Leone