
Building Self Esteem and Core Skills

The school has been going on successfully despite the numerous challenges we are having with attendance due to the rains and transportation constrains. Miss. Conteh treated Christian Counseling on the topic SELF ESTEEM with both Junior and Senior School.

Mrs. Turay taught communication skills: she said that for a person to be able to live in unity with people around him/her, the person must learn the craft of communication; as the manner of communication will either make or break you. She laid emphasis on the four elements of good communication which are as follows: Being a good listener, Encouragement, Awareness of other people’s emotions, and being empathetic. She says these are fundamentals that must always be considered as one strives to communicate clearly.

Mr. Kargbo treated English Language (Parts of Speech), as a matter of concern we had been encouraging the teachers to give more attention to the core subjects for Junior school girls to be able to pass their Basic Examination that will take them to Senior School when they resume school after they would have given birth. These requirements are English, Mathematics, Social Studies and Integrated Science. Some are finding it challenging while some are grabbing the opportunity to learn.

Continuing his sessions on Goal Setting, Mr. Conteh looked at the definition of success as a key component in their understanding of life goals, where they can succeed, and a broader perspective of what a goal is. At the end of his session, he gave assignment to the girls. It is worthy to note that goal setting is a novelty to these girls hence underlining its importance in a time like this.

Career talk was handled by Mr. Kamara for both Junior and Senior School. He explained that in choosing a career it has to go with some qualities that you possess.  Your career must be in line with your character, you can’t say you want to be a lawyer and you don’t like talking, you can’t say you want to be a doctor and you don’t like saving lives so the first criteria of choosing a career is knowing what you are passionate about. He continued that the temperaments to someone’s career are: Melancholic, Phlegmatic, Sanguine and Choleric. He explained the terms followed with examples.

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