
Mentees Discuss What They've Learned

Mentoring sessions empower future leaders with the skills and knowledge they need to counter stereotypes and obstacles and it helps them become motivated and more confident.   Thanks in part to your support, mentoring sessions have made an impact over the past year.

Fifty-Nine Students Completed Computer Training

Thanks in part to donor support, more youths and young adults are getting the computer training they need for success in today's technology-driven environment.  On January 19, 2023, the Develop Africa Sierra Leone (DASL) team held a graduation ceremony at the DASL Computer lab for fifty-nine students who completed the Microsoft office computer training and the hardware & networking course. 

Girls Mentoring on Drug & Substance Abuse

Thanks in part to donor support, another girl’s mentoring session was held at the end of January on Drug and Substance Abuse.  In 2022, Sierra Leone was identified by OSIWA as one of the major gateways in West Africa for Cocaine trafficking.

Is Formal Education the Key to Personal Success?

This past month, forty-five (25 girls and 20 boys) beneficiaries participated in an inter-mentoring debating competition about whether or not formal education is the key to personal success.  The goal of the debating competition was to improve beneficiaries' research and public speaking skills and to shed light on formal education and personal success.


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